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Blog: What to Expect When You Fly in for Gynecomastia Surgery

January 18, 2021

What to Expect When You Fly in for Gynecomastia Surgery

We often say that it’s worth it to travel to work with a gynecomastia specialist who performs hundreds of surgeries ea...

Real Patient Question: Incision Placement for Gynecomastia Surgery

August 17, 2020

Real Patient Question: Incision Placement for Gynecomastia Surgery

We field a huge list of “what, when, where and why” questions from our gynecomastia patients and from people online ...

Real Patient Question: Will I Need Drains?

December 17, 2019

Real Patient Question: Will I Need Drains?

It’s a question we field both online and in our in-office man boob consultations: will I need drains after surgery? ...

New York Gynecomastia Play-by-Play

November 19, 2019

Gynecomastia Play-by-Play

A big reason guys get nervous before gynecomastia surgery is they don’t know exactly what to expect. Keeping in mind t...

gynecomastia revision New York

February 7, 2019

Real Patient Question: How to Find a Gynecomastia Revision Specialist

We happened across a question on RealSelf the other day. A patient was asking where he might find a gynecomastia revisio...

Should You Try Tamoxifen for Gynecomastia?

December 22, 2018

Should You Try Tamoxifen for Gynecomastia?

Even when people have a strong desire to change their appearance, few rush immediately down to their local cosmetic surg...

gynecomastia scar revision

October 13, 2018

We Don’t Do the Donut!

We’re not talking about breakfast pastries here, though we do try to stay away from those too. What we mean when we sa...

gynecomastia revision New York

May 25, 2018

Animation Deformities After Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia revision candidates sometimes ask us about odd looking craters and dents when they flex without realizing t...

Massage After Gynecomastia Surgery

April 28, 2018

Massage After Gynecomastia Surgery

Here's a question we often hear in our gynecomastia consultation room and online as well: does massage help with scar ti...

teen gynecomastia New York

April 15, 2018

Top 5 Ways to Support Teens with Gynecomastia

We just spotted a new article on discussing the need to help teens with man boobs. We couldn’t agree ...

What Does Nipple Pain Mean?

December 15, 2017

What Does Nipple Pain Mean?

The online magazine, Men’s Health, recently published an interesting article on nipple pain in men. Yes, it does happe...

Real Patient Question: How to Hide Gynecomastia Surgery?

October 16, 2017

Real Patient Question: How to Hide Gynecomastia Surgery?

We often respond to questions in the forums on about how patients can hide the fact that they’ve had ...

post-op puffy nipples

June 22, 2017

Top 3 Reasons for Post-op Puffy Nipples

We give time regularly to help guys online because we know that, for some, gynecomastia is a significant obstacle to fee...

Anesthesia for Gynecomastia Surgery: The Options

March 15, 2017

Anesthesia for Gynecomastia Surgery: The Options

When it comes to committing to surgery for male breast reduction, patients occasionally face an obstacle or two. Some ne...

tethering after gynecomastia surgery

October 6, 2016

Terrified of Tethering?

What is tethering and why does it strike fear into the hearts of men planning gynecomastia surgery? Tethering is a po...

3 Reasons Why Losing Weight Won’t Lose You the Moobs

April 6, 2015

3 Reasons Why Losing Weight Won’t Lose You the Moobs

It seems quite logical to think that if you have gynecomastia, dropping some pounds will improve the appearance of your ...

Real Patient Question: Do You Remove all the Gland?

March 10, 2015

Real Patient Question: Do You Remove all the Gland?

Here's an inquiry we fielded recently from a real guy with gynecomastia. We actually hear this question quite often: ...

man boobs

May 20, 2013

Non-Surgical Cures for Man Boobs?

We have noticed an uptick in Internet activity promoting non-surgical cures for gynecomastia. Any scheme designed to rel...

gynecomastia complications

January 6, 2012

The Dreaded Crater Deformity

If you've done some research on gynecomastia as most of our male breast reduction candidates do, you have probably inves...

Tuberous Gynecomastia

August 23, 2011

Puffy Nipples or Tuberous Man Boobs?

We suggest that each patient with gynecomastia in South Florida seek the best man boob surgeon they can find, of course....

After Gynecomastia Surgery: Managing Swelling

May 7, 2011

Managing Swelling After Gynecomastia Surgery

We often answer questions on discussion boards and forums about gynecomastia, and very frequently on W...

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