June 27, 2019
To drain or not to drain? Every one of our man boob patients can expect swelling after surgery, as can every guy arou...
May 25, 2018
Gynecomastia revision candidates sometimes ask us about odd looking craters and dents when they flex without realizing t...
December 4, 2017
Once you have male breast reduction surgery, your problems will be over, right? It's true that most of our man boob p...
October 16, 2017
We often respond to questions in the forums on gynecomastia.org about how patients can hide the fact that they’ve had ...
March 15, 2017
When it comes to committing to surgery for male breast reduction, patients occasionally face an obstacle or two. Some ne...
March 7, 2017
We fielded a question on gynecomastia.org the other day about surgical technique. The prospective patient was apparently...
October 6, 2016
What is tethering and why does it strike fear into the hearts of men planning gynecomastia surgery? Tethering is a po...
January 21, 2016
Each cosmetic surgery procedure comes with its own set of possible risks and complications—particularly when a patient...
November 19, 2015
Cosmetic procedures are not inexpensive, and we understand it can be frustrating for our patients in to fund gynecomasti...
March 22, 2013
Several years ago, an article published on a New Zealand website revealed that boys as young as eight years old are lini...
May 7, 2011
We often answer questions on discussion boards and forums about gynecomastia, and very frequently on gynecomastia.org. W...
Reach out to Dr. Jacobs today to schedule your consultation!