February 7, 2019
We happened across a question on RealSelf the other day. A patient was asking where he might find a gynecomastia revisio...
April 28, 2018
Here's a question we often hear in our gynecomastia consultation room and online as well: does massage help with scar ti...
June 22, 2017
We give time regularly to help guys online because we know that, for some, gynecomastia is a significant obstacle to fee...
April 6, 2015
It seems quite logical to think that if you have gynecomastia, dropping some pounds will improve the appearance of your ...
March 10, 2015
Here's an inquiry we fielded recently from a real guy with gynecomastia. We actually hear this question quite often: ...
January 6, 2012
If you've done some research on gynecomastia as most of our male breast reduction candidates do, you have probably inves...
Reach out to Dr. Jacobs today to schedule your consultation!