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Blog: Estrogen, Gynecomastia and Your Health

October 5, 2021

Estrogen, Gynecomastia and Your Health

If you’re an average guy, you probably have some knowledge about the impact of testosterone on your health and well-be...

what kind of doctor for gynecomastia

August 5, 2021

What Kind of Doctor for Gynecomastia?

We spend so much time working with the small details of gynecomastia, we sometimes forget there are many out there still...

about teen gynecomastia

July 28, 2021

Teen Gynecomastia: What I Wish I Knew

We counsel teens with gynecomastia at least monthly, and it’s our pleasure to meet them and share what we’ve learned...

clothing for man boobs

July 2, 2021

A Prime-Time Fashion Question

One of our colleagues noted that the topic of man boobs made it to Family Feud recently! We decided not to “out” thi...

getting rid of puffy nipples

June 25, 2021

Ideas for Getting Rid of Puffy Nipples

Ok, we can understand—more or less. Your puffy nipples seem like a small problem, so there should be simple ways to ge...

What if it Isn’t Gynecomastia?

September 18, 2020

What’s Inside Your Man Boobs?

Are there different kinds of gynecomastia? How can you figure out “what’s in there?” And how does what’s under t...

April 6, 2020

Pre-Surgery Jitters: What to Do

It’s far more common than you might think for a man to be quite nervous before heading into the operating room for gyn...

After Man Boob Surgery, Big and Little Changes

September 25, 2019

After Man Boob Surgery, Big and Little Changes

After you recover from gynecomastia surgery, will you experience big changes in your life? Little ones? Among our man b...

Man Boob Causes: From Serious to Silly

July 14, 2019

Man Boob Causes: From Serious to Silly

As one of the earliest and most frequent participants in the forums, we’ve answered hundreds and hund...

Propecia and man boobs

May 8, 2018

Real Patient Question: Finasteride After Gynecomastia Surgery?

We received an email from a former patient recently, asking about whether it’s ok to take finasteride for hair loss (u...

Does Fast Food Cause Moobs?

August 14, 2017

Does Fast Food Cause Moobs?

“Man Has Surgery To Remove Breast, Doctors Blame Fast Food,” an online headline stated just last week. Just one prob...

After Gynecomastia Surgery: A Roller Coaster?

July 13, 2017

After Gynecomastia Surgery: A Roller Coaster?

If you elect to have surgery for gynecomastia with us or another experienced plastic surgeon, you’ll feel a huge sense...

can moobs ruin a career?

January 12, 2017

Can Moobs Ruin a Career?

If you know anything about gynecomastia, you know what guys with the condition go through. In more than thirty-five year...

Sweating the Moobs: How is Hyperhidrosis Like Gynecomastia?

November 17, 2016

Sweating the Moobs: How is Hyperhidrosis Like Gynecomastia?

Strictly speaking—and medically speaking—hyperhidrosis is not like gynecomastia at all. Excessive sweating and devel...

tethering after gynecomastia surgery

October 6, 2016

Terrified of Tethering?

What is tethering and why does it strike fear into the hearts of men planning gynecomastia surgery? Tethering is a po...

Does Donald Trump Have Moobs?

September 18, 2016

Does Donald Trump Have Moobs?

Everyone seems to be talking about Donald Trump nowadays; we thought perhaps we should join in! From his political views...

gynecomastia revision surgery

January 21, 2016

Craters of the Moobs

Each cosmetic surgery procedure comes with its own set of possible risks and complications—particularly when a patient...

Dating and Moobs

August 1, 2014

Dating and Moobs

Does having moobs affect a guy's dating life? Of course there's no one answer to this question, unless the answer is,...

How Young is Too Young for Gynecomastia Surgery?

March 22, 2013

Too Young for Gynecomastia Surgery?

Several years ago, an article published on a New Zealand website revealed that boys as young as eight years old are lini...

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